Friday, May 6, 2016


The Gender Bill is meant to actualize Chapter 4 Article 27 (8) of our Constitution that addresses gender inequality in our society; the provision requires the State to make a legislation that will ensure that no more than two-thirds of the members of elective or appointive bodies shall be of the same gender.
My opinion advises that like the provision that created the position of Women Reps, Article 27 (8) was also wrong in its conception; my opinion further advices that both provisions are classic cases of putting the cart before the horse.

To any father who is proud of her daughters like I am, the idea of gender equality is noble and should be supported wholesomely; however, to use the plight of the millions of marginalized women and girls for the purpose of benefitting a few within the society is immoral.

In my opinion, any attempt at addressing gender marginalization should focus on the girl child and not the woman because each and every marginalized adult woman is the product of a marginalized girl child; sort the problem at its budding stage and you won't have marginalized women roaming around the country; it is a fact that a marginalized old woman is irredeemably marginalized.

Lavishing already empowered women doctors, professors, relatives of the powerful, etc with prestigious and lucrative government positions, does not address issues affecting the marginalized girl or woman in any way, form, shape or manner.

It will take the society as a whole and especially the male folks, for our society to achieve gender parity; a one-third strength in parliament can never force through any legislation; it will only serve to add more to the already empowered; it takes broad consensus to address matters like marginalization effectively and I believe that it only takes one determined person to succeed in building consensus around an idea whose time has come.

Let's not do things because Kagame does; Kagame probably did it for very different reasons; maybe to cover up for the absence of Hutu males in his parliament with a very enticing story of gender equality.

And if it is a matter of copying, why not emulate the US? The US has a much more advanced female society than Rwanda despite the fact that the number of women in the US House of Representatives is just about 10%; what the US has done is simply to focus on the girl child; the US has an equal opportunity clause that ensures every institution uses a 50/50 gender admissions policy in all institutions of learning.

In my humble opinion, the real empowerment in Africa for the girl child will come when medical schools, law schools, engineering, etc, shall admit boys and girls on 50/50 basis; Africa has the lowest levels of females in professional jobs and urgent steps ought to be taken to correct this bad image.

For us to make any strides, we must first appreciate the fact that the share of sacrifices the girl child has made for the boy child are more than fair; that it is now the boys' turn to sacrifice for the girl child; remember the girl child had to be exchanged for "dowry cows" so that the boy child could finish education; she had to opt out of school so that her brothers could be educated with the little that old daddy could afford; also remember that a bright girl's future is more often than not ruined by the very same boys, or an uncle and more so cruelly by a rapist.

It is the girl who scored a B+ and dreamt of being a doctor, or the marginalized rural girl who is need of school fees, or the vulnerable young mothers who have dropped out of school who need an affirmative action bill on their various problems to be passed in Parliament; not a bill to empower the already empowered!

Once equal opportunity is ensured for the girl child at the beginning of her life throughout to college, she won't need anybody's help or advocacy in Parliament to get what she wants in life including those parliamentary positions.

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